Dharmachakra Awards

Unveiling the Dharmachakra Awards: Celebrating Extraordinary Contributions to Civilizing Principles.

The Buddhist Council of Victoria is establishing the Dharmachakra Awards so as to acknowledge individuals and teams who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to civilizing principles and to Buddhism in Victoria. The first presentation will take place on the auspicious occasion of the UN Vesak Day celebration at the Melbourne Town Hall, 11 May 2024.

For the first year of its presentation in 2024 three categories will be available:

  • Advancing education;
  • Promoting interfaith harmony;
  • Providing compassionate service.

The recipients of the Dharmachakra Award will receive a certificate in recognition of their contribution to civilizing principles and service to Buddhism in Victoria. It is hoped that their example will inspire others to follow the path of enlightenment.

  • Nominations open: 5 March 2024
  • Submission deadline: 10 April 2024
  • Award ceremony: 11 May 2024, UN Day of Vesak, Melbourne Town Hall.

Join us in recognizing and celebrating those who go above and beyond in embodying the teachings of the Buddha. Together, let us weave a tapestry of compassion and enlightenment that inspires and uplifts.

To learn more about the Dharmachakra Awards and submit your nominations please read the Guidelines and attach the application to the form below.