The Buddhist Council of Victoria
The Buddhist Council of Victoria is a representative body that acts on behalf of Buddhists in the Australian state of Victoria. It is actively engaged in representing the needs of Buddhists to all levels of government, provides speakers for interfaith dialogue and works widely with the community.Buddhist Chaplaincy in Prisons
There are volunteer chaplains from several different Buddhist communities and traditions visiting prisoners on a regular and ‘as-needs’ basis. If you are interested in learning more about prison chaplaincy, or becoming involved yourself.
Healthcare Chaplaincy
BCV is actively developing chaplaincy and spiritual care services for hospitals and other major healthcare facilities. As we build our Healthcare Chaplaincy capacity additional content will be made available incrementally.
End Duck Hunting Now!
The Buddhist Council of Victoria invites like-minded individuals and organisations to join with us in asking for a permanent end to duck shooting in Victoria. Shotgun cartridges, when fired into a flock of birds, create a spray of pellets which often miss a bird’s vital organ.
Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships
The Buddhist Council of Victoria (BCV) is working with the Department of Premier and Cabinet (Multicultural Affairs and Social Cohesion Division (MASC) to deliver a pilot project to build the capacity of Buddhist faith community and leaders to effectively prevent and respond to family violence.
Swastika Education Awareness Campaign
The Buddhist Council of Victoria has partnered with the Victorian Government to promote the Swastika Education Awareness Campaign. A new law has banned the Nazi Hakenkreuz but there is an exemption for the sacred swastika when used in a religious or traditional context.

View to western wall Jerusalem and Dome of Rock by Anton Mislawsky – Unsplash.
Wishing peace between Israel and Palestine
The Buddhist Council of Victoria is shocked by the events in Israel and Gaza.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Israeli and Palestinian people: with those who are mourning loved ones, those who have been injured, those who have been abducted and those who are fearing for their safety.
All tremble at violence; life is dear to all. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.
[Tripitaka ; Dhammapada Verse 130]
We hope all people find safety and that the violence ends. We wish and hope that the conflict can be resolved non-violently.
Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.
[Tripitaka ; Dhammapada Verse 5]
Source: Dhammapada:

BCV Newsletters
Contact us
36 McDowall St, Mitcham, 3132, VIC
Within Australia: 0422 961 162
Into Australia: +61 422 961 162
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