The Buddhist Council of Victoria says yes to the upcoming referendum on the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament. A Voice to Parliament will give Indigenous communities a route to help inform policy and legal decisions that impact their lives. Giving people a say will lead to more effective results. We support the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils’ paper which notes that the proposal for the Voice comes from an exhaustive process of consultation within First Nations communities and is supported by a large majority of First Nations people. It says that the Voice provides a strong foundation for the future development of a Treaty and Truth Telling process. So we say vote Yes!

Uluru Australia
Photo of Uluru by Danny Lau


To help you form your view on the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum, here are a few useful resources you may want to consider.

Buddhist Council of NSW Supports a Yes Vote

Translations of the Uluru Statement From the Heart

Information Booklet: Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through a Voice (